Cheryl King Writes Things

and Honored

Under the Pawpaw Trees, the sequel to Sitting on Top of the World, has followed in its predecessor’s footsteps and won first place in the Young Adult category of the Eric Hoffer Book Awards, as well as making the Grand Prize Short List.

“I don’t need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me.” — Ray Bradbury

My Works in Progress

Middle Grade Fiction

This was a story I started writing about 20 years ago after being inspired by the first Harry Potter. Then I hit a wall made solidly of writer’s block. Now that I’m revisiting it so many years later, it could use some updating.


I am working on a book for reading teachers that will contain charts and forms for all things progress monitoring and tracking reading data. Hopefully a very useful resource for reading specialists, interventionists, dyslexia specialists, and teachers.

Dystopian Fiction

I’m brainstorming and outlining for a new project! It’s kind of dystopian/time travel, and I’m so excited about it that I’ve decided to draft at least 50,000 500 words of it during the month of November for NaNoWriMo23.
You can read about it here.

Other Projects

The Writer’s Games 2024:
From The Writer’s Workout

While this amazing event has been around since 2014, I have just discovered it,
and as the name suggests, it’s like an Olympics for writers — except it’s free to enter,
and its purpose is to give writers oodles of craft practice. The rules and schedule of events
seem complicated to me, but we will see how this challenge goes. The first event is June 21.

Results: I have no idea!

100-word Microfiction Challenge

Round 1: I had to write a 100-word fairy tale/fantasy story with the action of
climbing a tree and the word pair. When I saw my genre, I was like ughhhhh,
but I actually enjoyed writing this one, and I hope the judges like it.

Results: June 12

Writing Battle: 

Winter Flash Fiction Battle

I submitted a 1,000-word false utopia story.

Results: My story earned the highest points in my group of 47 writers,
so it advanced to the Final Showdown. I made it to the top 32 in my genre, but went no further.

Writers Weekly 24-Hour Short Story Contest

I submitted an 900-word story about an ominous note delivered by a carrier pigeon.
Results: Around June 2

The Not Quite Write Prize

In this competition with a twist, I had to write a 500-word story
using the word date, the action of choosing a winner, and I had to break the “always use said” rule.
Results: June 2

Twist in the Tale

This is an amazing new writing contest, and in the inaugural main competition,
I wrote a 500-word historical thriller called “Chasing Amelia.”
Results: Aww, my story was in the top 30% but did not place as a winner.
I’m signed up for the next contest.

42 Stories Anthology: 

Submitted my 42-word story with a 42-character title and a 42-word bio for publication.
Accepted for publication! It will be included in the horror category.
Check out updates on the book’s progress here:

Furious Fiction:
500-word challenges on the first Friday of every month, and it’s free to enter.

Press 53:
53-word story challenges every month, free to enter.

“Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others.”

Virginia Woolf