My Nutrisystem Journey
Obviously, this is not reading or writing related … other than the fact that I’m writing about it. But I’m trying something new, and I want to share it for two reasons: 1) to hold myself accountable 2) to help anyone who may be in the same boat.
Since going through the “big change,” the Capital M, the “change of life,” I have gained over thirty pounds. I’m frustrated — and angry — because just five years ago, I was in the best shape of my life. Then things happened — life, stress, career changes — and I started to slip, but I was still healthy.
Five Years Ago
This was after a year and a half on the Herbalife and heavy workout plan. And I could actually do burpees.
Then came menopause, and not only did it mess with my metabolism and my belly, but it also caused depression, insomnia, and a huge attitude change. Like, hey, you only live once, let me go ahead and have that sixth cookie. Yeah, I’m never gonna be thin again, gimme that ice cream with hot fudge and tons of whipped cream. No, I don’t need to ride that ProForm bike that’s collecting dust in the corner, and no I don’t feel like exercising. Who cares, right? This is what happens with age. Right?
Miss Fat
But (and don’t worry, I’m getting help for the depression, so I’m okay with sharing this) I hate what’s happened to my body. It’s terrible. I’ve had to upsize my clothes by several sizes, and I look fat in everything. Don’t try to argue — it’s true.
So … what to do?
The program that got me in shape five years ago was Herbalife meal replacement shakes and LOTS of working out. It worked well for me at that time in my life. I was able to go to the fitness place I loved (called Miss Fit), conveniently located on my way home from work, and I replaced two meals a day with a high-protein Herbalife shake.
For various reasons that may or may not bore you to death, that program is not going to work for me now. But I know I need to do something, and I think it needs to start with nutrition (because, as established earlier, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth).
I decided to try Nutrisystem because it seemed like a decent value, and it may help me change the way I eat, which will give me more energy, which will lead to more exercise, and voila! I will no longer be a cow in pajamas on the couch eating cookies.
So, I will begin this journey on Monday, Dec. 26. (That way I can eat Christmas cookies and such before starting this diet.) And I will document my progress (or lack thereof — but hopefully progress) here, and maybe on Twitter too.
One cabinet and the freezer drawer are stocked with my Nutrisystem breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, ready for my diet to begin Monday.
I chose Nutrisystem’s Uniquely Yours Max+ Protein Plan, and I picked my meals, since I’m a tad picky when it comes to food. The first week will be strictly NS breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, the only addition being any nonstarchy veggies I want. After that, I will improvise meals on weekends, with the weekdays being all NS.
I’m too embarrassed to share a “before” picture or weight and measurement details, but if I have any success at all, I will share that! My biggest fear right now is that the food will taste disgusting and I will have wasted $300 and still weigh thirty pounds too much. Wish me luck!
And one last thing: Check on your menopausal friends. They may not be well.