Week 6 Diet Update
Snow days = lazy days.
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Starting weight: 167
Current weight: 158.6 (Last week’s check-in weight was 160.2.)
Goal weight: 130
Exercise: I know I promised to move around more this week, but, see, what happened was … the snow and ice came. And then they cancelled school for four days. So then I was, you know, obligated to sit around in pajamas and watch Netflix all day. I went walking on Saturday, but there was a lot of relaxing over those four snow days. Which, I strongly believe, is a good thing to do when you’re given the gift of unexpected relaxy time. Fight me.
The Food: I’m running out of breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, but still have plenty of dinners. My next Nutrisystem shipment will process tomorrow, but in the meantime, I’ve had to fill in with my own food. So I’m struggling to stay within the plan’s parameters, because when I’m relaxing and watching Netflix, I do not want to snack on broccoli. I’d rather have some chocolate, or something good. My favorite NS meals continue to be the Italian offerings, especially when I add seasoning, sauce, and cheese.
Next Steps: Next week, I will be back at work and back on track! My readers have spoken, and I will continue to post weekly updates (until y’all tell me you’re tired of them, or when you get angry at me because I keep promising to exercise and I don’t follow through, so you decide I’m a big fat loser, and why would you want to read the blog of a loser?).
Parting Words: Despite the very slooow progress, I’m thrilled to be out of the 160s!