Week 7 Diet Update
Tiny servings call for tiny forks.
Unsplash image by Gabriella Clare Marino
Starting weight: 167
Current weight: 157.1 (Last week’s check-in weight was 158.6.)
Goal weight: 130
Exercise: Current situation: I earned “zone minutes” on my Fitbit just from putting on my shoes in the morning, so that’s where I am. And look, if that counts as exercise, I am happy to report that I have exercised every day this week. But seriously, I did walk my favorite trail (and marketed my book at the same time)!
Walking and Marketing
Unfortunately, no one asked me about my book. Not even when we went into the busy ice cream parlor after our exercise. (My older son works there, and we had to visit him at work to show support.) Anyway, look how close I am to the 10-pound milestone!
The Food: A new shipment of Nutrisystem food came, so all is right with the world again. I am still enjoying a majority of the food (especially the chocolaty snacks). If you try this program, you will likely feel that the portions are so tiny. And they are — for good reason. Look at the amount of food served on a single plate in a restaurant, consider the size of fast-food soda cups, and don’t forget the handful after handful of chips the average person may snack on in front of the TV.
So Nutrisystem helps with portion control. It’s not that easy, though, when you open your dinner for the night and it consists of just four small ravioli. It should be noted that on any Nutrisystem plan, you’re allowed unlimited non-starchy vegetables, and there are proteins and smart carbs that you can add. That said, the tiny portions are still jolting.
Here are my tips for getting used to the small portions:
Drink lots of water
Eat lots of veggies
Eat slowly to savor each bite
Don’t skip your snacks
Use tiny plates and tiny forks
Next Steps: With Valentine’s Day coming up, we are all going to stay strong! My husband promised he would not get me any chocolate. I can’t promise that I won’t cheat (on my diet plan, not my husband), but I’ve got to keep up the downward trend, so … may the will power be with us all!
Parting Words: Sometimes you need tiny forks, and sometimes you need a treat. Live life and be good to yourself. I realize I’m sending mixed signals, but I’ll go ahead and blame that on menopause.