Week 10 Diet Update
I have stepped all the steps I can possible step.
Starting weight: 167
Current weight: 153.7 (Last week’s check-in weight was 154.3.)
Goal weight: 130
Exercise: Here are this week’s efforts to move more:
Sunday: 3,305 steps, 15 zone minutes (hey, this is more than I usually get on a lazy Sunday)
Monday: 5,412 steps, 9 zone minutes
Tuesday: 4,818 steps, 7 zone minutes
Wednesday: 4,757 steps, 4 zone minutes
Thursday: 5,233 steps, 16 zone minutes
Friday: 6,533 steps, 16 zone minutes
Saturday: 5,353 steps, 15 zone minutes
The Food: Here’s this week’s breakdown, minus boring details. My total daily calorie goal is 1,448.
Sunday: I cheated all day (muffin and an iced fudge brownie) and ended up logging 1,472 calories, with only 397 activity calories (according to NuMi). All of my meals and snacks were flexed except dinner, which was half of the red pepper chicken and pasta saute.
Monday: Total calories 1,235. Activity calories 682. For breakfast I had a NS cinnamon roll. For morning snack, I had some almonds and a few cheese cubes. Lunch was the other half of Sunday night’s red pepper chicken. Afternoon snack was a banana. I flexed dinner, because my husband made some baked chicken drumsticks. I had one leg, plus salad, and some Stacy’s Simply Naked pita chips.
Tuesday: Total calories 1,433. Activity calories 669. Oh, this is the day that a sweet student brought a cupcake to my door, and it would have been so rude not to eat it.
Wednesday: Total calories 990. Activity calories 604. I feel like I must have forgotten to enter an evening snack or something, because this calorie total is low.
Thursday: Total calories 1,180. Activity calories 756. These numbers are where I usually fall — this week was just a weird week, what with all the cheating.
Friday: Total calories probably in the 1,700 range (not even gonna try to calculate it) because I ate at IHOP.
Saturday: Total calories 1,100. Activity calories 387. We tried the new Most Oreo Oreos, so…
Parting Words: Well, now … after laying it all out like this, I feel like such a pig! Clearly, I need to cut back on the cheating. And take more steps. I’ll do better next week.