Diet News
Time for a transition
Unsplash image by Bret Jordan
Starting weight: 167
Current weight: 149.4 (Last check-in weight was 149.2)
Goal weight: 130
Big News: I have decided to quit Nutrisystem. This does not mean I’m a quitter, nor does it mean I hate Nutrisystem. There are two main reasons for my decision: One, it’s expensive, and two, I’m kinda tired of the food. The expense is the biggest issue, especially when staring down thousands in credit card debt and another teenage boy about to be added to our car insurance. But I think Nutrisystem gave me a good jump start toward getting in shape. I was able to shed some extra weight, and I learned portion control and have a routine now. What I think I need now is to focus more on exercise. I feel like instead of spending $300 or more a month on Nutrisystem, I can spend half that amount and join a gym, plus keep eating right.
Reality: Here’s my downfall: I know that if the gym is not conveniently located, I will not go. And the gym I want to join — the nice gym and the one that has my favorite Zumba instructor — is not conveniently located to me. So I’m afraid I will be throwing money away. What I could do is use this $1500 ProForm bike I bought during Covid and only used three times. I’m sure that would make my husband happy.
Parting Words: In my last blog post, I wrote about being in the midst of a midlife crisis, and I think that may be part of the problem here. I’m unsatisfied, antsy, and looking for a change. But I very much still want to get down to 130!